Pretty simple, huh! In my quest to LOVE MORE, I want to serve my fellow man. I want to give of myself more fully. Have more patience. Ease the burdens of the people around me. I want to remember my loved ones. I wan to write more letters and cards to family. I have been horribly negligent in my involvement with the ones I love so I started a few weeks ago getting organized. I organized my address book, gathered addresses I didn't have and found my stationery.
I want to spend more time with family. Take more trips to see my grand babies and children. Praying more for those I love. I want to spend more time with old and new friends. Going out for lunch, shopping trips and calling them more often. I want to serve my husband and children more, letting them know how much I really care about them.
In my quest to LAUGH MORE I want to criticize others less, accept them the way they are and find the good in everyone. I want to find the humor in life even when times are tough and not "wig out" during stressful situations. I want to remain calm and peaceful in my heart and forgive.
In my quest to LIVE MORE I want to not let fear run my life and hold me back. I want to find more activities to do with my family like traveling, skiing, camping and hiking. I want to eat right and exercise more. I want to enjoy life for the ride it is. I want to quilt more, write more and follow my dreams. You still won't find me on a rollercoaster but I will freak out less about driving with teenagers.
Great goals mom! And thanks for trying harder, it means so much to our kids to have you involved. :) They love their grammy!