We've spent weeks pouring over books from the Library. We read about chickens and coop designs. We looked all over the Internet and found some fabulous sites!
http://www.mypetchicken.com/ This site gives great information on chickens
http://www.backyardchickens.com/ This site has about 450 coop designs.
Victor has gotten a brilliant idea and made a simple stand out of 2 x 4's with chicken-wire stapled to it. It is firm and is able to stand up by itself, creating a circle. We've put the pine shavings on the garage floor, hung the heat lamps, and now they are enjoying the added room. Victor even designed an A-framed Roost for them.
Victor bought some wood and adds it to a supply of barnwood that we were fortunate enough to be given. You can't see it in these pictures, but the wind is blowing bitterly.
Holy crap! That is a chicken mansion! Why don't you let Coley move in there instead?