October 28, 2009

Ewwww, He Licked Me!

There are certain experiences in life that I didn't do when I was a teenager and one of those was sitting in the mall picture booth and taking those 4 wacky photos.
Victor and I were wandering around in the Idaho Falls Mall last weekend and after escaping the clutches of the Jewish woman at the kiosk selling Dead Seasalt Exfoliating Body Scrub, we climbed into the photo booth.Yes, he really licked me. Ewwwww.....

My husband is a wonderful man who totally treats me like a queen and serves his family unselfishly. Now that I am working and leaving the house before the kids are even up, he does it ALL. He wakes the kids, feeds them breakfast, hands them their sack lunches, signs permission slips and gets them to the bus stop.
At noon, he comes home for lunch to a quiet house, does the dishes and tidies the house. He also throws dinner in the crockpot and when I get home at 4:30, dinner is all ready and the house smells like heaven.
So, I am nominating him for Husband of the Year!

Piglet Flu

My PIGLETS have the FLU! I have been home from work with the kids because Meggie has the Swine Flu. I believe I caught the Swine Flu in 1976 and therefore will not catch it again. However, I have caught a "cold" (sniffles, body aches, headache, exhaustion). Could this still be part of it? I don't know.
Megan have had a high fever (103.9) that is impossible to bring down to normal even with medication. She also has a chest cold that I hope won't turn into bronchitis/pneumonia. You know, the Swine Flu has been hyped-up by the media/government to mammoth proportions, but I haven't found it to be any worse than other things the kids have caught. Actually, in my experience as a mother with 14 kids who have caught everything that has come along in the past 30 years, the Swine Flu has been one of the least severe of all their illnesses.

In August 1998 we caught a very bad flu. Michael (age 14) got it first, then 2 weeks later, the other 7 kids got it... all at once, for a WHOLE WEEK! Rachel, the oldest, was at college at UVSC so she missed all the fun. I just googled "flu in 1998" I found that there was a national outbreak of the Swine Flu that year. Hmmmmm.... perhaps that is why Matthew and Heather (who both caught that then, only had a mild colds this time).
FLU in 1998
The Piglet Infirmary set up in the livingroom -- 1998
Brooke (5) & Nathan (7)
Jessica (15) & Matthew (1)

Nicole (11)

Heather (3)

Brittany (9) & Nathan (7)

Employed in Greenland!

I haven't posted in a month! That's because I was finally hired on October 8th, after 5 months of interviewing, at the hospital over the Mountain Pass in the local Metropolis. It is a wonderful job, Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., and I work with wonderful people. I am the new Office Manager of the Physical Therapy department. I was trained by the woman I was replacing. She had the good fortune of earning a promotion and moving to Radiology. She was a great trainer. She didn't micromanage and let me have "hand-on" immediately. She was patient and so was everyone else. She has moved on to her new position now and I am on my own.

I work in a full waiting room at a very fast-paced reception desk and live with a 2-monitor computer .....and work with a minimum of 8 different programs daily. My co-workers tell me that I am only about 1/4 trained, but it will come in the next 4 months of my probation. I schedule and register patients for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy. The Wound & Lymphedema Clinic shares the registration desk with us and I help manage them, as well. Many of the patients think that my most important job is keeping the coffee hot. :-)
My job is challenging, fulfilling and looks to be fun.